News / Recent Activities 2008

Read Tridentine Community News' 2008 in Review (PDF) for a summary of developments in Detroit and the surrounding region.
December 2008
+ Christmas Traditional Latin Midnight Mass +
Midnight, December 24
St. Joseph, Detroit
featuring: Cesar Franck's Solemn Mass in A with orchestra
Tullio Visioli's Hodie Christus natus est
T. L. de Victoria's O Magnum Mysterium
Prelude music begins at 11:30. Mass will conclude around 2:00 AM
+ Christmas Day Masses +
9:30 AM - St. Josaphat, Detroit
2:00 PM - Assumption, Windsor
December 8, 2008
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a holy day of obligation. There will be a Missa Cantata at 7 pm at St. Josaphat, celebrated by Fr. Wolfgang Seitz.
December 7, 2008
Festival of Lessons and Carols: The music ministry of St. Thomas invite all to a Christmas concert based on the English festival tradition (of recent vintage).
Bishop Boyea Mass postposted again
"Bishop Boyea has had to reschedule the Tridentine Mass he will be celebrating at Flint's All Saints Church yet again. The date of December 7 that we announced in our October 19 column became impossible, because His Excellency has to attend the installation of the new coadjutor Archbishop of Cincinnati that day. A new date has yet to be coordinated between His Excellency and the Flint Tridentine Community; we will announce it as soon as we are made aware. Bishop Boyea extends his apologies to everyone; now that he is a Diocesan Ordinary, his schedule is in many ways out of his control."
Courtesy of Tridentine Community News.
November 23, 2008
2:00 PM, Fr. Josef Bisig, FSSP, the co-founder of the Fraternity of St. Peter, will celebrate a Solemn High Mass at Assumption Church for the 17th Anniversary of the restoration of the Tridentine Mass in Windsor. An orchestra will perform Schubert's Mass in G, and a reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Assumption is located adjacent to the Ambassador Bridge.
Windsor Star coverage
November 22, 2008
The Traditional Latin Mass returned to St. Thomas the Apostle, Ann Arbor, and was also celebrated at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor.
The following description was published in Tridentine Community News:
"Last Saturday, November 22, two Tridentine weddings occurred simultaneously in Ann Arbor, one at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, and the other at Old St. Patrick’s Church. The latter was a Solemn High Mass, the first such wedding held in our part of the world in approximately 40 years. This was all the more noteworthy considering that the Ann Arbor area does not yet have a publicly celebrated Tridentine Mass."
Pictures: St. Thomas the Apostle Old St. Patrick
Music: St. Thomas the Apostle Old St. Patrick
November 8, 2008
Southeast Michigan welcomes a new site for celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass in St. Edward's On-the-Lake Catholic Church in Lakeport, Michigan.
November 3, 2008
In celebration of All Souls Day (according to the calendar of the Traditional Latin Mass), St. Josaphat will host Two simultaneous 6:00 P.M. Low Masses followed by a Solemn High Mass at 7:00 PM. Please read the Tridentine Community News (pdf) to learn more. Please pray for the souls in Purgatory.
October 18, 2008
Introductory Chant Workshop
Una Voce Ann Arbor / Ypsilanti will be traveling to Wayland, MI (north of Kalamazoo) for this workshop
The Workshop will include presentations on:
-Reading Chant Notation
-History and Spirituality of Chant
-Some Fundamental Chants of the Roman Rite
Saturday, October 18, 2008
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
St. Therese Catholic Church
128 Cedar Street
Wayland, Michigan
Cost: $20.00 per person (includes lunch)
Co-sponsored by the Diocese of Kalamazoo: Office of Christian Worship, St. Philip Neri House, and St. Therese Catholic Church. Please email us if you would like to travel with: a2unavoce@gmail.com
September 28, 2008
On Sunday, September 28th, a special celebratory Mass will be occur at 4:00 p.m. at All Saints Church in Flint. This celebration will coincide with the 19th anniversary of the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass in the Diocese of Lansing.
The Mass will be assisted by the Assumption-Windsor Tridentine Choir.
Following the Mass, a dinner will be held at Our Lady of Lebanon Hall. Dinner tickets may be ordered from Scott Bednarchik:
810-656-1274 (Cell)
810-797-3525 (Home)
All Saints Church is located at G-4063 Pierson Road, one block east of the Pierson exit off I-75.
September 15, 2008
Each member of the St. Josaphat parish cluster will be hosting the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima with a Votive Mass of the Virgin Mother. The schedule is as follows:
St. Joseph - Wednesday, 9/17, 7:00 p.m.
St. Josaphat - Thursday, 9/18, 7:00 pm.
Sweetest Heart - Friday, 9/19, 7:00 p.m.
This page previously reported erroneously that these Masses had been be planned as a celebration of the Fall Ember Days.
2007 News